Overseas Fellowship of Nigerian Christians

Everyone a faithful disciple of Christ

London Central
Mrs Debo Sokoya

Mrs Debo Sokoya

Area Secretary

Mrs Debo Sokoya – Area Secretary

Sis Debo Sokoya is the current Area Secretary of OFNC London Central Branch

Get in touch

london central branch Events

Annual Sunday Fellowship activities schedules:

  1. Thanksgiving Sunday Fellowship
  2. Bible Study Fellowship Sunday
  3. Youths Sunday Fellowship:
    May Annually
  4. Sis Sunday Fellowship: July Annually
  5. Father’s Sunday Fellowship: June annually
  6. Charity Fund raising event:
    July annually.
  7. Annual Christmas party
    During the Third Sunday Fellowship in November. 4:00pm

Prayer meetings: Third Friday of every month.

  1. Virtual meetings: Microsoft Teams link.
  2. Physical meetings. Member residence
  3. Chaplaincy church (during joint night vigil with Chaplaincy)

Sunday fellowship: Third Sunday of Every month. Venue.

  1. Virtual meetings Microsoft Teams link.
  2. Physical meetings. At Mary’s Church hall Peckham.
  3. Time 4:00pm


Please contact us on matters concerning the night prayer meetings.


St. Mary’s Church and community centre, 17 St. Mary’s Road Peckham London SE15 2EA. St. Mary’s is well served by public transport from across London

Contact Number

Contact Mail
